Waters of Hope Church & Empowerment Center
Pastor Rick & CoPastor Laquita Allen
1030 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus OH 43205

Founders, Pastor Rick and Laquita Allen are following God's vision to empower and transform the lives of people. Their life's work has been committed to uplifting and helping people succeed by providing access to To God and his abundant resources.
"We are all commissioned to love and help our neighbors, and through Waters of Hope Empowerment Center, we are dedicated to the uplifting of our brothers and sisters with the love and truth of God."
Senior Pastor, Rick Allen
Pastor Rick has been serving God's people and as an Armor Bearer to Pastors for over 30 years. He holds Certificates in Ministry from Gospel Lighthouse and Hebrew Church. He is a certified Christian Counselor through the National Association of Christian Counselors. Pastor Rick oversees the Men's Ministry, Meal that Heals and our Ministers in Training Program. His heart is one that loves and leads through the grace and mercy of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Co-Pastor Laquita Allen
Co-Pastor Laquita has been serving God's people for over a decade in the ministry. She holds a Master's Degree in Biblical and Theological Studies from Ohio Christian University. Her undergrad is in Health & Human Services from Wilberforce University. She oversees the Waters of Hope Women at the Well Ministry & Outreach Ministries including homeless feedings, Thanksgiving and Christmas events. Pastor Laquita's heart is for the people and truly believes in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform the lives of people who accept Jesus Christ as Lord.